Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Do condoms for women really work ?

Condoms for women have recently been launched in the market, the question is that do they really work ?? Also does it reduce the pleasure factor ?? Medically speaking : any chance of the guy's penis developing any skin rash because of it ? Also what about lubrication (K.Y. Jelly), can it be used ?|||When used consistently and correctly, female condoms are about 95 percent effective. This means that about five women out of 100 who use them properly every time they have sex will get pregnant over the course of a year.

In the real world, about 21 percent of women who rely on female condoms for contraception end up accidentally pregnant in the first year of use, mostly because they don't use them every time they have sex or don't use them properly.

A female condom may fail when it's inserted incorrectly and slides out during sex, if it tears before or during sex, or if the penis misses the opening of the condom and is inserted between the vaginal wall and the outside of the condom.

Some women use female condoms along with another method of birth control like the Pill, the birth control shot (Depo-Provera), or an IUD.

But don't use a female condom when your partner is using a male condom. The friction of latex against polyurethane could push the man's condom off or cause the female condom to slip to one side and tear. Female condoms aren't designed for use with a diaphragm either.|||if they didnt work then they wouldnt be put on the market|||their suppose to but they can break to talk to some male friends of yours and ask them if they have ever been with a woman who has used one i have heard from a male friend of mine that said its not cool pleasure wise so you might just want to use the good old fashion male condoms and KY it can be used for it all and a male getting a skin rash from it only if he has a allergy to the latex|||female condom fits inside vagina. the failure rate are similar to the male condom but it is less well accepted. it's too protect against sexual transmitted diseases.

regarding the rash, it probably due to the male allergy to latex which is quite common. from what i learn, there are condom made from non-latex material.

KY jelly can be used, but i dont think it has any contraceptive properties (correct me if i'm wrong). it is also widely used for medical procedure like inserting urinary catheter.|||yes, it does !

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