Friday, July 23, 2010

Is it true that if you every had a case of Sinusitis that you will not get into the military (pass meps)?

Is it true that if you every had a case of Sinusitis (acute) that you will not get into the military (pass meps)? I had to take some flonase for it because of allergies- but this was only for a season and have not had problems since. I really want to get into the military but am worried about it. I was diagnosed with pityriasis rosea years ago too-but i googled it and it is just something that comes and takes care of itself and usually never comes back (a skin rash). And it never has. I am really worried about MEPS. If anyone can give me any advice I would really be grateful.|||Only current acute or chronic sinusitis is disqualifying. Since your skin rash didn't recur it isn't disqualifying.||| a waiver is possible it would be on a case by case bases and if you can get a letter from a doctor saying it has been at least a year with no problems it might help your chances.|||im currently enlisted in the navy and right now and i can tell u that most things are waiverable

there are quite a few ppl in the navy with some form of allergies whether it be food, drug, or environmental

ur best bet is to contact a recruiter then they can put u through and see if u qualify for the navy

good luck at MEPS and if u join see u in the fleet|||Join the Army. They'll let anyone in.

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