Out of no where my b/f started getting this "rash" looking problem on his body. At first I thought it was ring worm, but he seen a doc and they said no it was a type of fungal rash. But they didn't know what kind. (380 bucks and alls they could tell us was "don't know what that is try this cream on it"). We have tried every single over the counter and prescription anti-fungal-product there is. The rash only appears under his arms up by his arm pits, around his waist band on his pants, and on both of his sides. The "rash" is clusters of reddish blotches, some the size of a peanut and others are larger. They don't itch and the spots come and go with no reason at all. Does any one have any idea what this might be or what else we can try to make it go away. Please serious answers only and don't just tell us to go see a doctor/dermatologist...we HAVE!!|||The source below provides some additional types of skin rashes. Perhaps you can find a match.|||It could be something called Pityriasis Rosea. Here is a link
Ringworm is a fungal rash, I would get a new doctor if he didn't know this.|||Maybe it's eczema. It's caused by overly dry skin (or also constantly wet skin from perspiration).
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