Friday, July 23, 2010

What are those red bumps?

My dad recently went jet skiing and later on that night he noticed these little red bumps on his feet. 23 little red bumps from the crease of his toes to his ankle. Since then it has been four days and they have spread all the way up to his thighs and still going. It is not chicken pox because he is not running a fever, they do not itch but they are irritating when he is in hard labor at work. Could a bug have bitten him in the lake or could it be a skin rash of some sort?

10 points to the most informative answer.|||I have gotten this many times. It is just a simple rash (either a heat rash, or from accessive friction agaisnt the water). A few days of applying aloe lotion or quarterzone cream should do the trick. Worse come to worst, schedule an appointment with his doctor. This is very common and I guaruntee you it's nothing serious. Good luck!|||i think it might be a rash|||he could have maybe gotten in to poison ivy just maybe but im not sure|||Alergic reaction to the sea weed?|||He may have been bit or stung by something. There may also have been a bacteria in the water which his body reacted to. Has he tried Benadryl? He shoudl not allow ti to continue to spread. it is best for him to consult a doctor ASAP.|||If you were in the sea I would say some sort of stinging invertebrate or "sea itch".

If you were in a lake, he might have gone through some weird algae bloom.

Either way, topical Benadryl for a few days and if it keeps spreading go to the freakin' Doctor.|||Rashes are difficult to diagnose without more information. They can be caused by so many different factors.

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