Friday, July 23, 2010

Wierd rash thing, Help!! Nurses??

I have a circle shaped dark patch of skin on my back. A month ago, it was very itchy and raised, and I got 3 other hives on my body when it was itchy. The itch went away after a few days, and then the circle thing literally shriveled up and the skin peeled off. (But dark spot remained.) 2 weeks later, it started itching again, and the 3 hives reappeared in the exact same spots on my body. The itching went away, only this time it didn't shrivel and peel. This is so bizarre! Any idea what it is? I have searched hundreds of skin pictures, and seen nothing like it. It is just to the left of my spine where I had an epidural 5 months ago. Could it be related?|||Sounds like ringworm to me, which is actually a fungal infection. Try some anti-fungal ointment, and if that doesn't work go to a Doc and get some prescription strength.|||Go to and look up Body Bugs. Patrick Frazier has

a great story on rashes. Report It
|||my sister had this problem and it was ring-worm. Your should go to the doctors, my sister did not but she got a solution off the Internet and it worked great.|||Yes, very possible. Ask the doctor if there are side effects with epidurals! I have had epidural for back pain. I never experienced that. You can also get infection in the spine from them. I just got fortunate.|||not a nurse sorry, but you should see a dermatologist ASAP. To the untrained professional (me) it sounds kike it could be skin cancer.

My father and a friend of mine had it and you sound similar to their symptoms.

God be with you and help you through this

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