Friday, July 23, 2010

I have a Bakers cyst on my left lower leg, at first Doctors thought I had a blood clot .?

I took 2 ultasounds which 2 different Doctors,and one said that I just had inflamation and the other Doctor said the bakers cyst and that I had cellultis(skin Rash) but I pulled up the bakers cyst on the net and everything it states about it is the same exact thing that is wrong. The doctor said that was not the problem but I think it is and my doc is closed today and I was wondering if anyboby had any suggestions for me,or advice i could use.|||bakers cyst is a fluid filled sack (begnign) which can be founds any where but usually in the legs and mostly in the knee, i have one right behind my right knee and can hardly bend my leg back some days.. if is not painfull leave it be as some reabsorb in to th body however ,like mine, they can be drained by having a small needle inserted and the fluid drawn out.. not too pain full...figure out what course of action both dr want to take and start with the one less invasive,like meds.. and work from there..

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