Friday, July 23, 2010

My mother is allergic to allopathic drugs. What could be the reason?

My mom is allergic to allopathic drugs. She develops severe skin rash whenever she takes them. Whenever she falls ill we look for other kinds of medicines like herbal and ayurvedic ones. But at times they are not all that effective. My biggest fear is that if (god forbid) she ,at any point of time, is attacked by some very serious disease for which only allopathic drugs are available, then what will happen. She won't be able to take them and this would mean that her condition will only worsen..Can anybody please guide me?|||There could be trauma related issues as to why your mum can't take prescription drugs. It might be helpful to look at Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) or Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) that help lessen and often resolve serious allergic responses naturally and gently. You could do some research on for an NAET practitioner, or to find an EFT practitioner near you.

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