Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A question for anyone who has suffered from Henoch-schonlein purpura? Please share your experience...?

I have been diagnosed with Henoch-schonlein purpura (skin rash) although the biopsy results were inconclusive. I've had it since January, and although it has faded it's still very much there. I just want to hear from others that have suffered from this. How long did you suffer with it and do you have any tips for coping with it?|||I NURSED CHILDREN WITH THIS A FEW YEARS AGO; %26amp; UNFORTUNATELY THERE'S NO SPECIFIC ANSWER AS TO HOW LONG IT LASTS BUT WE FOUND THAT ANTI- INFLAMMATORY TABLETS HELPED. HAVE YOU TRIED IBUPROFEN. I SYMPATHISE WITH YOU BECAUSE IT'S VERY PAINFULL|||Most patients do not receive therapy because of high recovery rate. Corticosteroids (class of steroid hormones) may enhance rate of recovery from arthritis or abdominal pain but does not prevent recurrence.

Renal disease. Treatment is only considered in those with marked proteinuria and/or impaired renal function and patients in this setting should get a renal biopsy since the amount of crescentic glomeruli is a prognostic factor. In those with crescentic nephritis (%26gt; 50% of glomeruli), a pulse IV methylprednisolone 250-1000 mg/day for three days followed by oral prednisone (1 mg/kg/day for three months) is used. This regimen is used to reverse the inflammation rather than the IgA deposition itself. Plasmapheresis (exchange of plasma) may be curative but data is inconclusive. Intravenous immunoglobulin has also been tried in patients with heavy proteinuria and decrease in glomerular filtration rate.

Renal transplant. Can be considered in those with end-stage renal disease, although recurrence is common, as evidenced by mesangial hypercellularity and IgA deposition in the graft. It occurs in about 35% of transplant patients at 5 years with 10% of patients experiencing graft loss due to recurrence. It is recommended that transplantation be delayed for 12-24 months after the disappearance of purpura.|||I had it when I was really young. The purple spots all over my legs were so painful I couldnt walk. I dont really remember much apart from not being able to stand up. But it can get much worse than that. I read a stoy of a guy whos spots blistered and burst. then began puking, p1ssing and shitting blood. But that was an extreme case. Just take your medicine it will be fine

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