On the calf of my left leg there's a red circle. The skin there is dry, so I though it was a dry patch, but it's still not going away. The red outlines the patch. I was wondering if anyone had any idea what it could be. It's probably a little bigger than a number 2 pencil.|||sounds like you hve a ringworm... as a mom of 2 i have seen my share of them. don't worry... all you need is a jar of blue star ointment. the rash will go away in a few days. as for the shiny spot it leaves, use a good moisturizer and it too will fade... i hope i helped you!|||I hope you mean pencil eraser......Anyways, sounds like ringworm. Go to a doc and get it checked out. Not very dangerous, just annoying.|||sounds like ringworm|||This could be ring worm. Do you have any animals, and does it ich? If this is the case, ringworm is very contagious,. You need medicine for that and you must boil all your clothing or anything you come in contact with phsically.|||Well instead of just lotion to hydrate it, I would put neosporin on it religiously for several days. You may have to see a dermatologist though. Are you certain nothing bit you?|||i think its a ringworm|||I Its probably a fungal rash...I had a couple
You can either go to the store and get some anti fungal cream( for athletes foot or whatever) or if you want the natural cure get some virgin coconut oil and rub it on till it goes away...
Coconut oil is good for cooking and good for the skin and hair as well...
http://www.coconutresearchcenter.org/|||its ringworm. get some blue star ointment and put it on it 3 times daily. it should be gone in no time.|||It is probably ringworm, like the others said. I had it a few years ago after using tanning booths, my doctor told me to use some medication for atheletes foot, I used tinactin and it was gone within a few days. Good Luck!|||ringworm, definately
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