Friday, July 23, 2010

My dog keeps getting ticks despite me applying frontline. Some help?

Oh ya, and he seems to be getting a slight skin rash too. Is it due to the ticks? Its an old dog.. My poor skippy ........|||Switch drugs.

Go to the vet and have the skin checked out, (just to be on the safe side) then ask about another remedy. Sometimes, with some individuals, the drug stops working.

Ask about Advantix. That one is relatively new and may work better for you.

You also should wash her bedding and treat the yard. Anywhere she is, there are ticks waiting for lunch. You need to cut down the population as well as treat poor Skippy.

Good Luck and I hope this helps.|||you could try feeding him garlic|||awe......alls i can say is to take him out when needed......he is too old to get the ticks out himself....he dont care anymore.....|||Preventic collars work very well. I buy them online for all 4 of our dogs.|||The rash is probably due to the irritation of the ticks. I don't like Frontline - it never really worked on fleas either on mine. When you bath him, use a lavender/mint shampoo. The Cloud Nine line of products is good. They also have a Buddy spray that is all natural and can be used before he goes out to keep the ticks from getting to him. Just spritz him down once or twice a day. I wouldn't try any new products such as Frontline, or Advantage. If he's old, his system may not be able to handle it.|||Ticks and fleas generally make dogs irritated, hence they scratch themselves, and that can cause rashes and skin irritations. Id suggest getting your dog hydrobathed maybe every two is actually a health benefit as the pressure of the pump massages the shin and removes old dead skin, as well as the products in the wash can kill all the ticks and fleas on the pooch. I have seen a dogs grow back hair on bald spots with me washing it regularly, with my mobile dog wash.|||***WHY*** can't you UNDERSTAND that topical flea/tick treaments ARE***NOT***REPELLANTS????

The insect MUST bite to get a dose of the INSECTICIDE!!!

Garlic does NOT work,flea collars do NOT work,"natural/home remedies" DO NOT WORK!!!|||You should bring him to a the way, if you walk your dog often or you keep your dog outdoors often, getting fleas is inevitable.|||I use an otc called Bio Spot. It does repel fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. I've used it for over 10 yrs on all my dogs and on all the rescues that I have had. I never see my dog's scratching. I never see a flea or tick, and I do look!

As for the rash, where is it? If on the back, then it could be a reactions to the Frontline. Some dogs do have reactions.

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