Friday, July 23, 2010

My lil one has a rash around her neck. I think she has an allergy to Dreft..?

I know babies have sensitive skin as it is. I also have a skin issue with laundry detergent if the fragrence is too strong. It doesnt seem to be bothering her and she has a doctors appointment tommorrow for a well baby check-up.

Any other parents have this issue?

What can I use to help the redness go down?|||My son had the same problem. What I did was still using Dreft I just put all his stuff through another rinse cycle.|||if she's at a drooly stage, like teething, it could be caused by that. i stopped using dreft with my son and just used the all free, it has no dye and no fragrance|||I would use something fragrance free. Here's a good website where you can check out different laundry detergents for babies...

I have used Ecos Free %26amp; Cear Liquid Laundry Detergent and it is great.|||Don't use Dreft on baby clothes. It has perfume in it which can irritate their skin. Use a scent, dye and enzyme free detergent.

Here is a link about some good detergents to use:

It is meant to help pick out a good detergent for cloth diapers, but the same detergents are perfect for all your baby's clothes and yours too for that matter!|||Dreft smells strong to me. I just use All unscented and I use an extra rinse cycle. The rash might also be a spit rash, or from soap, etc. as well, but I would ask the doctor tomorrow. Don't put anything on it.|||If she was allergic to the detergent, she would have rash all over body. She is probably teething. Is she drooling alot? The acidity of saliva will cause a rash when in contact with the skin for long periods of time. Wipe her mouth frequently and put some cornstarch powder in neck area to help keep dry.|||Try putting Aveeno Diaper Rash ointment or any other baby lotion with zinc oxide in it to protect the skin from wetness. It may also be a yeast infection - no big deal, yeast love warm moist areas, and you may need a doctor's prescription to clear it up. If it were a skin sensitivity issue, I would think she would have the rash everywhere the clothes touch. Be sure to clean well under her chin and neck - it's amazing how breast milk, formula, or food can hide in those sweet necks! Hope this helps.|||She proll is allergic to it just like my daughter is the other day she became red then all of a sudden there were Hives all over her body!!! and we had to go to the er|||Baby's have very sensative skin, it could be her drooling, or formula, or breaskmilk getting down there, when my daughter gets a red rash down there, I usually wipe her neck really well, and put some baby powder on my hand and put it on her neck, to help dry the skin out.|||Are you using fragrance free detergent on your own clothes too? When the baby lays her head on your shoulder, for example, she is touching the fabric with fragrance...

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