Saturday, July 24, 2010

Whats irritaion or rash because I think I have it.?

4days ago my grandma had just gotin a new lotion. I decided to try it with out my grandma noing. Then I felt something strange in my hands. I washed it off but now every lotion I try or every saop I try burns my hands. My hands are hard and ruff (not soft like always). Whats irritiaion? I think I have it. My grandma has tried the lotion one time, after i tried it on, and it made her skin older. Am I alregic? The lotion was made out of pasion fruit. Hurry!|||Have grandma return the lotion. Then try soaking

your hands in a lukewarm oatmeal bath. ( Not your whole body, just you hands). If that doesn't help then you may need to see a doctor. Sounds like

an allergic reaction to the ingredients in that hand lotion. Some of the ingredients could have burned your skin as well. Grandma should contact the FDA and let them know about the reaction as well as the company that makes the lotion. She

can also contact and

file a complaint with them. Good luck.

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