Friday, July 23, 2010

Rash in my inner thigh, red raised bumps, pain radiating from right buttock around to groin area.?

The surface of my skin is very painful. Had pain for a week, then these bumps in my inner groin area came, also a few on my right buttock. the pain is horrible.|||Not sure if this is it, but excercising in cheap fabrics or sweating lots with your legs rubbing together might've caused it. I used to get it quite a bit (although I'm a male, and not exactly thin nor fat) so my legs would rub together a lot and cause a rash with bumps, I got the rash from the lower rear buttock to the testicle connection.

If the skin becomes ultra-soft or almost stretch-mark-like, you might want to see a doctor about it.|||Do these Nature cure : To cure Rashes : Add 2 teasponful of turmeric powder (Haldi) + 2 teaspoonful of grounded bishop's seeds (Ajawine) + 2 teaspoonfuls of sugar in 4 glasses of water. Boil it and reduce it to two glasses. Drink one glass of such water the first in the morning and the other glass in the evening before sunset. Within 2 to 3 days, rashes will be cured.|||Visit the source below to help you diagnose your skin rash.|||desadin ointment in the baby isle at stores

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