My 5 month old Jack Russell Terrier has an ear infection I think. I am broke and cant afford to take him to the vet. Does anyone know any good home remedies that may work for him, and at least make him more comfortable. He keeps scratching at it and whining when he does it, started yesterday and has done this before. I know its a yeast infection. The medicine costs 30 dollars. I can take him to the vet Saturday morning. Unfortantly, my human children have been sick and have depleted my bank account until then.
The last thing I got from the vet was some shampoo for a skin rash that costed 20 dollars. I read the ingrediants and it was the same exact thing that is in human acne medication available over the counter for much cheaper. Any suggestions?
I've heard that vineger and water solutions work, anyone with experience?|||I have a beagle that has frequent yeast ear infections from the floppy hound ears. I get a solution from my vet for $8 or use a similar solution, such as unleash pure joy extra-gentle ear wash which is 8.99 on the pet smart website (listed it below). i normally squirt some into my dogs ear, fold the ear over and rub it so it soaks in and gets down in there, then use big cotton swabs, followed by q tips (carefully). I do this 2-3 times a week, but he still sometimes gets infections. Then I end up going to the vet and picking up the gel medication.
Did you try calling your vet and seeing if you could possibly just pick up the medicine since you know its a yeast infection? That way you don't have to pay for a vet visit also. This is what my vet lets me do, since Snickers has had an infection before and I know exactly what it looks like.
My dog has very dry itchy skin at times and I use oatmeal shampoo and now he is silky and dandruff free as long as he gets a bath every 2 weeks or so. We believe he is more prone to the dry skin ,ear infections, dry eyes and paw chewing (horrible habit) because of some sort of skin allergy. If your pet has dry skin or any sort of allergies that dry him out you can try putting some bacon grease on his food, or even a little olive oil twice a week or so. Keeps the coat silky between baths.|||Try pouring hydrogen peroxide in his ear. Gently use q tips to dry his ear. Slowly put the q tip in and down following the natural shape. Don't go farther than the tip. Do this once a day until Saturday.|||If you are sure it is a yeast infection,then get some Athlete's foot powder with Miconazole,2%,or some generic Monistat cream (like at the dollar stores) and apply once daily,cleaning with witch hazel before each application ( let it dry well before applying the powder or cream.) This should take care of it if it's a yeast infection.Can you tell me the name of the medicine that was used before?|||Don't listen to anyone putting things down the dog's ear. He needs to be properly diagnosed, and you need to use the proper medication.|||The dog needs to be taken to the vet and properly diagnosed / treated. Failing to get an ear infection treated could lead to the dog losing his hearing, not to mention the pain that the dog will experience until he is treated.
See if your vet will take a post-dated check.|||For his ears mix togeather half vineger, and half rubbing alchohol, And put a few drops of this solution in his ears a couple times a day.
This helps dry up any fluid that may be in his ears.
I am not sure what chimicals were in the shampoo (possobly salicylic acid?), or what kind of skin condition the dog has, But if the ingreadiants were the same as the human version ,It should be perfectly safe to use it.
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