Friday, July 23, 2010

I had allergic reactions to the old herbal essences shampoo, should I be checking out the new kind?

-itchy scalp

-if it gets on facial skin, rash.

the conditioner was ok.should i be using the new kind/line? is it any different?|||no, u shouldnt. i have been using herbal essences, and the only diff in between the old and new is that they are different smelling. the new one makes ur hair softer, but they basically use the same stuff.|||teeheee:))) Report It
|||I would say not to risk it. There are so many other products - try use something else! :) VO5 and Pantine are both nice.|||i would consult my hair stylist but i would maybe try it. your choice. kinda risky . hope this helps|||arbonne like avon can't get it in stores works great!|||no

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