About mid October two spots of dry red skin appeared on my chin. They do not itch, but they do get flaky and hurts like a sun burn. At first I thought my dog had gotten into something and transfered it to my face, and that it would go away with time.
Well it has been about a month and a half and it is still there.
I have tried several things to make this go away. I have tried lotions and moisturizers, I have tried hydrocortizone cream, anti-fungal cream, dandruff shampoo (some one told me it was like scalp dandruff but on the face). No cahnge at all.
I have always had fairly clear skin, and have no allergies that I am aware of.
So what else can I do to try to get rid of it?|||Nutritional status, stress levels, climate and season all play a role in the quality of a person's skin. In order to improve your skin, you need to consider and address all these different aspects, for simply rubbing on moisturizers is unlikely to provide you with the benefit you are seeking.
From a nutritional standpoint, you need to ensure that you are
receiving adequate nourishment which includes essential vitamins and minerals. It also means eliminating substances that are not adding any substantial nutritional value.
For two weeks, make certain that you are receiving plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet while avoiding alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and other recreational drugs.
Throughout the day, drink abundant fluids in the form of fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Prepare yourself some ginger and licorice tea by adding one teaspoon of each to a pint of hot water and sipping it throughout the day.
Make certain that you are receiving adequate oil in your diet to include vegetarian sources of both omega-6 and omega-3. Sauté your vegetables in sesame or olive oil and try adding some flaxseed oil on a daily basis. Try adding some ghee (clarified butter) to your diet to help your skin.|||You have certainly tried a lot of things in just 6 weeks. You need to give things time to work. Dry skin doesn't clear up in just a few days. You need to give you skin time to rejuvenate. That means at least a week to 10 days.
The first thing you should probably do is to try to keep the skin as moist as possible. Allow the natural healing to occur. If that doesn't work then you will probably need to see a dermatologist. If it is some sort of infection you'll need appropriate treatment.
Here's a place for lots of info and treatment methods for dry skin.
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