Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Is it right or fair that the likes of Paris Hilton gets immediate medcial care?

for a skin rash...while good and decent law abiding citizens like Edith Rodriguez are ingnored and die on the floor of the Emergency Room bleeding to death from an abdominal perforation for a half hour? Tell me again how money talks....|||sad but true.|||Of course it is. Herpes can spread rapidly throughout a jail.|||thats why i hate hollywood and all it represents|||She should be put on death row and executed immediately!|||Unfair. She is also the only one who is they cry get to go on home detention in her MANSION!|||A skin rash caused by psychological stress....(hives). Yeah, she deserves special treatment for being stressed by going to jail. And I deserve a stack of fifties.|||it's all bout rich vs. poor not race|||Paris is a load of crap...Britany and Lindsay too.|||And she gets out of jail for a while for it too! Absolute crap! I remember my sister had to wait like 2 or 3 hours after she broke 2 of her fingers. Her hand was swollen to amazing proportions and it hurt a lot. Granted, it was just broken bones, but thats still a LOT more serious than a skin rash!|||Immediate Medical. care....where ??? In an emergency room at the civilian Hospital , or in a jail Hospital facility ?

While locked up in jail...the fear of law suits, and knowing that her family has enough money to buy the jail, is a reason to honor her request for whatever she think !!!!

Everyone knows and are now seeing how lopped sided in being fair the system is.....The question is, who is in any position to correct the unfairness within the system without them being thrown in jail on whatever charges they decide to trump up for such?....Who has he Authority ???

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