Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Doctors or people with diabetes only please?

I think i might have childhood diabetes. I am 15 years old and weigh 93 pounds. Recently during my peried i have been pasing out. I eat alot of sweets. also between cycles i have been getting dizy if a meal is missed or delayed. I am realy scard. Please help me.

P.S. I also have a skin rash on my arms and face.|||I don't have diabetes but my mother has had it since before I was born. It sounds very possible that you might have it. Simply go to the doctor and they can take some blood to check for it. It's not too bad. And don't freak out if you do have it. It is very manageable nowadays with medications and proper diet.|||Your best bet is to see a doctor %26amp; let him diagnose you, rather then we do it on line, none of us can be sure what your problem could be, Please, please make an appointment %26amp; let your doctor decide. GOOD LUCK!!

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