Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Weird rash...?

I get these weird bumps on my skin that look like mosquito bites, but there are no mosquitos out. I have had them on my legs, breasts, arms, stomach, and back. They just pop up in random places, but are usually found in clumps together.They itch SO bad! I have looked for bed bugs, but I don't think I have them. I was just wondering if anyone has had these symptoms and what it was?|||it's probably an allergic reaction just rewash your clothes and take benadryl and it should go away|||Possible allergic reaction to change in lotions, soap, detergents, new clothing that hasn't been washed, new exotic food. If you also c/o fever you need to contact your doctor. Any difficulty breathing then go to Nearest ER ASAP.|||the wierd little bumps are probably emphisema, and the best way to get rid of them is to not scratch them and take crushed granola paste and spread it over the affected area...as wierd as this sounds it works.|||could be a fungal infection i have heaps on my neck. sounds the same.have a look on this web site and see if it looks like any of them http://search.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplusEnc...|||sorry, not sure, but I would suggest going to a doctor before it gets worse...it sounds pretty bad already. In the meantime, DONT ITCH THEM!! it will just make it worse....I just had an eczema breakout (mild) on my inner elbows, and an anti-itch cream worked really well and helped heal it.|||I have that on my elbow right now, I've also had it on the top of my foot, on the top of my hand and the side of my leg, oh, and on my back too. The doctor's call it by name, I don't remember what it's called, but I have to go to the doctor and have a shot (in the affected area) before it disappears. My regular doctor didn't know what it was, so he sent me to a dermatologist. I have scars from scratching so much (that's how badly it itches), but the scars DO go away eventually. So, if it's as bad as mine got, go to a dermatologist, if at all possible and get the shot. It stings a little, but it's not unbearable.|||Sounds like some sort of contact dermatitis. I would start off with some benadryl and apply some cortisone cream on the effected areas and see if this helps. You are probably allergic to a new soap or detergent, or perhaps a lotion or perfume.

With the itching, you can also draw a room temp - or cooler bath if you can stand it with a few table spoons of baking soda... if the effected area is small -- you can actually make a sink full of cool water with the baking soda in it, and soak a wash cloth then lay it on the are...

If none of this helps, I would go see a dermatologist. Good luck :)|||If you have had any unprotected sex you may want to go get a blood draw and check for sphyllis, in its secondary stage a rash can appear on the body. Good Luck

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