so I believe that I have a bad yeast infection. all the symptoms of one but everytime i treat it over the counter it comes right back. Im going to the doctor about that but...Ive had a slight itch and after the shower i noticed a little red in that area but when i felt, it felt a little raised in that area so i took a look...hard to see so i shaved the area...what i see is very small raised area...not sure if i'd call then "bumps" because when the skin is streched it almost doesnt even look raised. its a striaght line of what looks to be three. its a little red and glossy looking. doest hurt, doesnt ooze, itches in that area a bit. what is this???? herpes??? irriations from a yeast infection? i dont shave so it cant be that...plz lend advice.|||The red bumps could have been irritation from yeast. Best to see a DR just to be sure.
A good book to get to help with these little mysteries of the female body, is "The V book" it goes into detail about many of the things that go on with our bodies.|||crabs maybe? i really have no idea|||Hard to say what it could be, but it shouldn't be ignored or use home remedies on it.
Best that you see a doctor.
I have herpes and it sort of sounds like it, but don't worry if it is, it's not the end of your sex life.|||it could be an std i had a friend who had the same symptoms and she went to the doctors to get tested and coming to find out that she had chlamydia|||what kind of laundry soap do you use?
you could be allergic to this detergent if you switched laundry soap lately.
in fact your allergic condition might not show up in a long time or it could show up in a couple of days. depending upon your system.
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