Friday, August 20, 2010

I have this rash on my hands only On the nuckles and a little inbetween each nuckle. what is it?

its a dark redish color and rough to the touch (feels like a thick layer of dead skin sorta). it looks really bad on my left hand near the last two fingers and the rest of my knuckles have the same thing but it doesnt look as bad, ive tried using some lotion but it doesnt help moisturize it at all..........i was just wandering if anyone knows what this is.

p.s my gf had sorta the same thing on her knuckles as well but it wasnt really red just ashy lookin and lotion didnt help her hands either|||go and get anti-itch cream hydrocortizone and rub on the rash where it's itches sound like eczema or allergic to something.|||i have the same thing its calle dermatitis or eczema i believe it has alot to do with ur diet and what u eat , i just read up on it actually a few days ago , and the best thing is moisturizing with creams that contain natuaral oils and oatmeal , throw some oatmeal flakes in the blender and blend it as fine as u can to almos a powder and mix it a little bit with water kinda like a paste and put it on there for about 15 minutes it helps me . i dont think u can get rid of it but iot defeniatley helps and i use cream at least 2 times a day the one i use is made by avon or sold by avon and its called moistures thereapy oatmeal avoine it work pretty good hope this helps

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