I don't know how she got it and it's really becoming serious. She is begining to smell and her skin is so dry it looks as if she has dandruff. What can I buy to help her skin?|||She most likely has a food alergy...feed her lamb and rice food as it will help her skin. She could also have an allergy to something else...like a treat you gave her or something she got into outside.
You can do several things:
Give her an oatmeal bath....no shampoo
The best thing would be to use essential fatty acids. Some shampoos have them, you can also buy food additives.
Good luck|||Often dog groomers will sell products that help dogs skin... also Petsmart or a pet store should be able to provide a product that you can use on a dogs skin.|||give her benadryl for the rash and see if that helps|||You need to get her a mild soap for sensitive skin (no perfumes, dyes, etc.) and give her a nice warm bath and clean her up. She will feel a little better. If you can find some kind of cortizone spray use that but I dont see it being practical to rub the lotion all over. Get the dog to a vet tomorrow. She is suffering. My cat used to get bad rashes and lose fur because he had very sensitive skin so I had to get him cortizone shots and give him pills. Poor lil animals, they're so defenseless.|||Bottom line, you've got to take your dog to the vet.
First, give your dog one benedryl with food every 6 hours. Let them rest and let the benedryl take effect. Then give them a warm bath and condition them. Brush gently and get them dry, then call the vet. It maybe a food allergy, my GSD had this and I feed her Eukenuba lamb and rice.
Also, as tip, add one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil to your dogs food daily. This helps their skin and coat.
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