Monday, August 23, 2010

Are you really a dog, cat lover, have you got questions about your pets health.?

Dog allergies are one of the most common conditions affecting dogs. Dog allergies can be very frustrating for both yourself and your dog. The constant itching and scratching, paw licking and chewing, skin rashes or chronic ear infections can make life very unpleasant.

For itchy skin, try an oatmeal shampoo bath with cool water - this can ease the itchiest skin. Leave the shampoo on for 10 minutes then rinse well. With the most severe allergies, bathe your pet twice weekly. Also, Calendula ointment (herbal medication) has been successfully used to relieve the itch. Apply a thin coat twice daily to affected areas.

I haven't got enough space to give full details so if you are interested in your pet and how to care for it properly visit|||My dog has no allergies; I am very fortunate! However he is a spoiled boy and eats premium canned and kibble food, plus the tastiest, healthiest, and most expensive treats. Boy he's lucky. :) Thanx for the site though!|||Yeah,


My dog has a sore, and the vet shaved it, and white stuff is pealing from it. its also red.

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