Monday, August 23, 2010

My Lab has a rash on her stomach. I just ran her for a while and it's real red. How do I treat it?

After running her a while it got real red. What is it and how do I treat it? It looks dry. Can it just be dry skin? Alergic reaction?|||Well to tell you the truth if I was you I would take it to a vet. They can treat it just as well as any body else can do. And for now just don't run with her. treat it well give it only cretain food that are very healthy.|||I'm not entirely sure what could have caused the rash, but for now, you could try to put some antibiotic ointment on in, even better if it's the kind with pain reliever. Take her to the vet to find out for sure what it is and how to fix it.|||~Just go to petsmart or something and get a rash spray it works all the time on my dogs trust me~|||I wouldn't put anything on the rash until you know what caused it. You could make it worse, instead of better.

It sounds like she has an allergy to something. Could just be something outside. Does it seem to bother her?

I doubt if it is dry skin. She would have it on other parts of her body too.

I would call your Vet tomorrow a.m. It is nothing to let go. Whatever is causing it, it is going to make her feel uncomfortable. I doubt that it will go away on its own.|||it depends on the temperature where you are at. if its warmer than normal right now. ( like here it was cold two days ago but for the past two its been in the 70s) then it could just be heat rash. It will go away on its own but you can put some antiitch spray on it if its bothering her.|||my dog has that problem he has an alergic reaction to grass.

i put palmers cocco butter on him

it works for him|||Put neosporin on it I show and do lure coarsing with whippets they get hurt all tha time It works on EVERYTHING|||try to go to wal*mart and look in the dog section and see if they have shampoo for dog rashes|||If it's just happening after she runs,it is probably either a heat type rash,or an allergic reaction to something she comes into contact with.Keep a close eye on it,and if you notice it appearing at any other times,or if it doesn't go away,contact your Vet.

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