Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I have a red rash (similar to sunburn) on my face, I am 20 weeks pregnant....?

I am currently 20 weeks along and have began to get acne breakouts on my face. I usually use Clearasil for sensitive skin, but I couldn't find it when I went to the store, so I bought Neutrogena Oil Free acne wash. When I got out of the shower after using this, I noticed my face was really red and later on in the day, I noticed it began to burn like a sunburn. I thought maybe I used too much or had it on my face too long, because I've used this brand before (prior to getting pregnant), and had no problems. Well, I used it again the next day, but I didn't use alot and I rinsed as soon as I massaged it in. Well, my skin hurt again, so the next time I showered, I didn't use anything but soap (which is Ivory soap) to wash my face.

Now, my cheeks are red and burning like a sunburn. The left side of my cheek is even a little bit swollen and irritated.

Could it be the face wash or could it be the body wash I use? I never had a problem with either until I got pregnant.|||The only time I have ever had that happen to me is when my skin was having a allergic reaction to the face wash. Your skin is more than likely changing and more sensitive than usual. I would just look for my normal face wash or if not find something for Sensitive skin or all natural. Either way do not use that face wash anymore. : 0 )|||Your skin changes a lot during pregnancy. So it could be that your skin is more senitive now. You may want to talk to your doctor just to mention the rash, because if it's not related to the facewash (which it sounds like it is the facewash) it could be serious. So, stop using the Neutrogena for a while and see if it gets better and talk to your doctor.

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