Skin Conditions|||My guess is Dermatomyositis.
"Dermatomyositis (DM) affects people of any age or sex, but is found is more women than men. DM is thought to be an autoimmune disease, meaning the body's immune system, which normally fights infections and viruses, does not stop fighting once the infection or virus is gone. The immune system then attacks the body's own normal, healthy tissue through inflammation (IN fluh MAY shun), or swelling.
DM is the easiest type of myositis to diagnose because of the skin rash. The DM rash looks patchy, dusky, and reddish or purple. It is found on the eyelids, cheeks, nose, back, upper chest, elbows, knees and knuckles. Click here to see examples of typical skin symptoms. Some people also have hardened bumps under the skin, called calcinosis (kal si NOH sis). The rash is often seen before muscle weakness is felt. The skin rash and weak muscles are caused by inflammation (IN fluh MAY shun), or swelling, in the blood vessels under the skin and in the muscles, also called vasculitis (vas kyoo LIE tis).
Muscle weakness usually happens over a period of days, weeks or months. Patients who have the skin rash but feel no muscle weakness have amyopathic (a mee yo PATH ik) DM, or DM sine (sin AY) myositis. The weakness begins with muscles that are closest to and within the trunk of the body. Neck, hip, back and shoulder muscles are examples. Some DM patients have muscle pain and difficulty swallowing, or dysphagia (dis FAY je yuh)." (from|||defiantely see your doctor|||sounds like that dreaded burning purple rash|||Only a doctor can tell you what that is, so go and see one rather than asking here.|||Of course not! Anyone who knows what they are talking about would tell you it could be any number of things, and we would need to know more about your medical history to make an accurate diagnosis. (although that comment about "the dreaded purple skin rash" was quite amusing)!
SEE A DERMATOLOGIST!! Good luck.|||Go see your doc or dermatologist. I would....|||That's a question that you should ask your doctor.|||Homeopathic Treatment for Rash :-
1.SULFUR 200
2.RHUS TOX 200
Three drops of SULFUR first thing in the morning in a sip of water and the same of RHUS TOX after 6 hours just one dose each a day of Sulfur and Rhus Tox. Report back with your progress and Conditions after one week !
Take Care and God Bless you !|||I think it could be eczema, but i could be wrong I'd say if i had something on me like that I'd ask my doctor about it|||Again, it could be MANY things.. from lupus to dermatitis,,,
You really do need to go and see the doc! Rashes can be symptoms of many more serious things.. or, it could be something easily curable..|||OS Updates:
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