They are little bumps and they are the color of my skin and they itch I need your help|||Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Scabees...if it is spreading then you should definitely go to the doctor.|||Sounds like chicken pox or poison Ivy/Oak/Sumac. See a doctor, and stop scratching yourself down there.
Good Luck|||have you ever had chickenpox? they can start out that way.
have you changed laundry detergent or body soap? sounds like an allergic reaction.
if it doesnt go away quickly, get yourself to the doctor.|||It could be several things, like an allergic reaction to a new food you have eaten, an exposure to weeds, or even a virus that someone has given you. Try taking some benadryl (or any product with diphenhydramine), and use anti itching cream so you won't continue itching and iritate the skin. If it continues to get worse, the bumps have started to drain fluid, or if it just hasn't gone away in a couple of days, I would go see a physician.
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