Benadryl helps with itching, but bumps are stull there. She has dry skin and we have been using cetaphly lotion. She mistakenly rubbed bodywash in thinking it was lotion the night before last, last night after she put lotion on her skin was red and the bumps were flesh colored, a little while later, skin around bumps was red. I don't know if I need to take her to doctor or not. Someone said it looked like 5ths disease, but from the research I've done, it doesn't add up. Any help is appreciated. Thank you|||go to a doctor. it could be an allergic reaction from teh body wash. but the case before that sounds like something i have never heard of. just go to a doctor becuase i am sure they will know and will able to give ur daughter a medicine that will help effectively.|||I don't know anything about this, but I have used this link when I have had similar questions:|||I think that your doctor is the best one to diagnose and treat this|||I had small red bumps that wouldn't go away until I used Dial Antibacterial Soap for a week. Then, they went away. Your case sounds different, but it's worth a try. Sometimes, different soaps can irritate fair skin. Dial works good for that, too. The yellow bar.|||It might be due to a yeast infection (candida albicans). If you get some anti-fungal cream and try it on an area, and it helps, this indeed may be the problem.
If this works, check out the yeast link at for more info.
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