Monday, August 23, 2010

How do you get rid of a rash? [ not a serious one ]?

its gettin better,since i've been well applying lotion on it,to keep the skin nice and moisturized. [ not a doctors recommendation ]

%26amp; i've been sleeping earlier and stuff,i dotn even know if that helps,but yeahh.|||if its because of allergies you should get benadryl or take a oatmeal bath if it itches but i think your doing good by putting lotion on it make sure in unsented that could irritate it rash

good luck!|||Your skin could be very dry

just keep moisturizing...actually u can use Gold Bond...its great for rashes!! hope thys helps :D|||Get rid of the source, don't just cover up the problem with creams, powders and medications.Try finding the source of the rash. If it is caused by something, like laundry detergent for example, it would be best to know that specifically and to simply use a different kind of detergent rather than to medicate the rash itself. I think a dermatologist can determine the source.

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