Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My son has this rash!?

My 6 year old son was first itching on his ankles then his legs then behind his knees!

Now its sooooo bad It all red raw skin with chapped dry skin around it! and he is now crying. My daughter is getting this at the early stage that my son started at.

What is this...???

And Yes I'M TAKING HIM TO THE DOCTOR 1st thing in the morning. Just wanna know what know what this could be?

(My 6 year old son is the only one that gets sick with everything!|||Speaking from experience it does sound like exzecma. Exzecma is caused by a condition of dry skin and is often associated with asthma. There are 4-8 different forms of exzecma. Depending on the form there are a range of things which may aggravate the itchiness.

The main foods which cause allergic reactions are those of which are acidic, seafood, nuts and chocolate. Other factors include the sudden change in weather, chlorine, heaters and air conditioners, wool, stockings and nylon. Soap and water also work to dry skin out.

I recommend that you dress your children with cotton fabrics, ensure that a cotton sheet is used under their blankets and that their skin is always moisturised. Sorbolene cream has always been most recommended. Also try to limit their layers of clothing and replace your current soap or shower gel with a moisturising wash such as QV wash, cetaphil, sorbolene cream/soap or dove.

If your doctor believes that your children have exzecma he/she may prescribe a cream or lotion with cortizone try to not let your children become reliant on these because they further extend the sensitivity of skin when used for extended periods. Your doctor may also send your children to a dermatologist depending on the severity of this rash. I do reccomend that you ask for a refferal to an allergy specialist

Please remember that exzecma is common unfortunately there is no cure for it unless your children grow out of it. However there are a range of treatment options available.

I hope that you have found this information helpful. Best of luck!|||Seems to be Exema..Dn't worry.U can control it fully|||did you switch any laundry soap or fabric softner. i break out like that when i sit on the carpet i just start itching and cant stop.|||does he have a fever, OR it just a rash? something called 5th disease is going around that makes them have a rash, sore throat, and a small fever.

Or it could be a food or detergant allergy

Hope this helps|||Set up a lotion routine.

Bathe her, 3 times a week, use eucerin lotion and slather it on her 3 times a day and don't be affraid to use alot. Also make sure she drinks water through the day. Keep up with the himidifier. It should be better within 2 weeks.

I have a 15 month, 9 year old son and a 12 year old son. I used work in a beauty salon, I'm a massage therapist now.

For my 9 and 12 year old sons, they have their bath, 9 year old first. Right after, I have a massage bed in my room, I give massage session that lasts for 15 minutes, while his skin is still wet I put baby oil all over him to lock in the moisture, and then slather vaseline or lotion on him with massage.

It has many benefits, keeping their skin smooth, relieving any stress that they may have had in the day, extremely relaxing for them and he is goes to bed right after, asleep within seconds.

I do the same with my oldest, Massage etc, which also includes all those benefits.

I hope I could help, email me for any questions. xoxo|||exzema (spelling?) - just real bad dry skin that gets worse in the winter|||Now that u r taking ur son to the Doctor in the morning u Will get the answer I assume.

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