Monday, November 21, 2011

Skin reaction to way too much cinnamon- important question about?

how long can I wait until after the rash brought on by this unnatural amount of cinnamon in my bloodstream heals to eat the spice again? Or is my body now actallu ALLERGIC to it?|||Not quite sure how long it would take to leave your body, but I have several food allergies and I always have Benedryl and my epi-pen with me. If you start to break out in a rash, you're probably allergic to it. Try taking 1 Benedryl next time this happens (be careful if you drive, they make you drowsy) and see if that helps with the rash. I would suggest seeing your doc and he/she can refer you to an allergist. You should get this checked because the reaction can start off mild, but it can all of a sudden become an anaphylactic reaction, which is life threatening. You can buy the Benedryl OTC at the drug store. Better safe than sorry.

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