Monday, November 21, 2011

I've got this skin condition and i don't know what it is.?

I've seen the doctor for this rash looking thing on my back and he told me it was a form of fungus. He doesn't know exactly what it is and has perscribed me to about five different creams and told me to try over the counter creams like lamisil and lotrimin and nothing seems to help. All the rash looks like is small reddish blotches all over my back. The creams make it go away for a little bit but nothing seems to help it perminately. Does anyone have any other ideas...I want this thing gone! It just appeared one day and has progressively gotten worse despite prescriptions and OTC treatment.|||i kinda have the same thing i dont know whats its called either but mines brown blotches and my doctor prescribes stuff all the time!!!!|||have you tried Tanning in a tanning booth? Perhaps that will fix the problem? Check with the doctor first to see if it will be a issue for the skin. :)|||it sounds like you might have psoriasis. look up the symptoms.|||Have you tried Blue Head and Shoulders with Selenium? You use it at least 3 times a week like a body wash and leave it on for 3-5 minutes, then rinse. could go see a dermatologist who specializes in skin diseases and get it put under a microscope so you can treat it and get rid of it right.

Your doc needs to scrape some off onto a slide and send it to the lab instead of guessing.

If it was fungus, lamisil should've worked.

If it is seb derm, the blue shampoo will calm it.

If it dry skin, a cortisone cream would stop it.

Go get it put under a scope and see someone who knows.

Questions that would help if you answered:

How long has it been there?

What does it look like?

What have you used specifically so far to treat it?

Any other symptoms? (does it itch or burn?)

Any of your family or pets doing the same thing?

Any history of skin problems, allergies?

Ever been told you have eczema?

Check out some dermatology web sites for diagnostic pictures. See if you see yourself there.

best of luck. Skin conditions can be a real pain, but you'll figure it out and be fine-really!|||See another DR ... a dermatologist.|||sounds a bit like a minor case of hives. have you changed your laundry soap in the past while?? you may be allergic to it.

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