Monday, November 21, 2011

I have got a red rash on a part of my penis?

It is not an STD beause I did not have sex with anyone. It bled today when I was masturbating. I think it is like raw skin that rubbed off but I want to be sure. What you think it is? I think I got it from masturbating but I never touch the bottom of my penis when masturbating. When I say bottom I mean the end closest to your body.|||i got the smae thing, but it wasn't bleeding. i thought it was from jacking off too. so, i don't think its a problem...|||go to the doctors not yahoo answers

oh yeah and ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww|||STDs come in all shapes and sizes and can lurk in your system until you are low. Get to an STD clinic fast and hope and pray.|||I puked after reading this anyway you sure really go to a doctor before something really bad happens|||Go -To -The -Doctor

Most obvious reason is friction|||red rash?

maybe, an insect bite or something.|||red rash could be thrush....depends where it is exactly tho|||Go To The Doctor it's the only way

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