Monday, November 21, 2011

Red spot on chest and clearasil made it rash?

I thought i had a zit on my chest and put clearasil on it for two nights and now i have like 3 pin size little bumps near it and it itches. was this a allergic reaction to the clearasil? will aveeno lotion be ok to put on it since it is my breast and the skin is so sensitive there?|||Most likely it was an allergic reaction to the clearasil, but you should check with your doctor before putting anything else on it, keep it clean and dry, no lotions or perfumes, that might aggravate it even more, The doctor can prescribe some anitbiotics. Only they know what that so called zit might really be!!! Be careful and pay attention to it!!! Let him know of any changes in color or size and if it is painful!!!|||Try washing it first with basic soap, such as Ivory. Don't put anything on it until you wash it. If it still itches, try something like Benedryl lotion, which will help with the itching and also help with the rash.

If it says longer than a week, make an appointment with a dr. or dermotologist who can prescribe a prescription if it is a rash.

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