Monday, November 21, 2011

HELP..I have a rash on my rod, its greenish puss with redish black bumps?

I am scared and my Doctor said he cant see me until next week. It spread on my rod and under my sack. Sometimes when I change underwear there is green puss stuff on them.

Sorry for gross detail but I am starting to get worried. Oh and skin it starting to peel just a tad around bumps.|||ur a bad liar|||Well, now that I'm no longer hungry for dinner, I might as well just stay here.|||If this is for real you probably need to go to the hospital before you tallywacker falls off.|||dude stop humpin chicks with yeast infections|||OMG you poor thing!! Unfortunately your rod is gonna fall off in the next 2 days.!!|||ew. a peace of advice people aren't gonna answer this kind of question in the singles I suggest u copy and paste your question on the mens health collum. Good luck! and dont' worry but leave ur penis aloen and make sure you wash it properly.|||Maybe it's a sexually transmitted disease known as Herpes.|||umm forget the damn doctor better go to er befrore your talleywhacker falls off|||ew...try a triple antibacterial cream. But go to the doctor or emergency room asap.|||Unless there is only one doctor where you live DO NOT waste your snake's time - it'll get even nastier!

Don't wait for your doctor find and go to an available doctor as soon as posible. A walk in clinic ....something.

That sounds extreemly uncomfortable.

aaaaaaand be sure about your partners sexual health status...use a condom!!!

Penile infections

Discharge from the penis

Gonorrhea causes a thick white, yellow or green discharge from the tip of the penis.

Sore on the penis

In primary syphilis a hard, painless sore appears on the penis. This is usually accompanied by swelling of the surrounding glands.

Penis pain or discomfort

Pain or discomfort can sometimes be a sign of sexual infection.This may be associated with pain when passing urine. You may also have a discharge with this type of infection.

Ulcer Ulcers on the penis

These ulcers can be a symptom of syphilis. A syphilitic ulcer is called a chancroid.

They begin as small painful pimples that break down to soft ragged ulcers. These ulcers bleed easily. The glands are also often swollen as well.

Specks on hair around the penis

Tiny black, greyish brown eggs on the pubic hair shafts may be a sign of infestation of lice.

Rash on and around the penis

A rash on or near the penis may be scabies. This infestation burrows beneath the skin causing irritation and itching.

Genital herpes causes red spots and blisters on the penis, as well as the scrotum, thigh and on the buttocks.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms it is important that you go see a doctor for a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Good Luck!|||STD. go to the emergency room. that's a sign of a disease that WILL kill you. that lady was right, your dick will fall off. i learned bout it in health class. GO|||maybe u shouldnt be such a man whore and keep it out of ur boyyfriends asss and u wouldnt get fukin every diease on ur dick fuk nut

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