Monday, November 21, 2011

HELP..I have a rash on my rod, its greenish puss with redish black bumps?

I am scared and my Doctor said he cant see me until next week. I spread on my rod and under my sack. Sometimes when I change underwear there is green puss stuff on them.

Sorry for gross detail but I am starting to get worried. Oh and skin it starting to peel just a tad around bumps.|||Definitely some type of STD. If your doctor can't see you, go to a clinic ASAP. Green puss could also be a sign of a bad infection.|||sounds like an STD, better get yourself to the doctor quick.|||If you can't go do your Doc until next week, go to a free health clinic. Your symptoms sounds like some sort of infection since there is a sign of puss. Any fever? Keep the area dry. Clean with soap and water, splash with peroxide, allow to air dry.|||Have you told yoor doctor that its urgent? I would say to ring up your local GUM clinic and they should usually be able to get you in the next day, if not the day you call in. You should get an idea there and then on what could be wrong and its all strictly confidential.

I wouldn't wait until next week to see the doctor though, at that rate you could be all cleared up by then. I would say that it is definatly an infection so avoid any sexual activity, and try not to mess with it (hard for men I know) as you could just spread it further.

Hope everything goes ok x

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