Monday, November 21, 2011

Diabetes?Do I have it? Help?

I am thinking I may have diabetes. I started having the following symptoms (skin rashes, frequent urination, hungry all the time, extremely thirsty, numbness and tingling in hands) for last 3 months %26amp; ignored them (because I had them on and off for last several years), now things are getting worse (seemed like my kidneys’re hurting?), so I am going to find a doctor (I live in a very small town with a few docs, %26amp; mine left about 6 months ago)%26amp; make appointment as soon as I can (I made some calls on Fri %26amp; found out a doc with the earliest open date is little over a month).

I should mention, me, my family %26amp; friends we all are so blessed to live healthy. So I did not know anything about diabetes until I checked out some excellent websites. Has any of you experienced cracked upper lips and rashes on both upper and lower eyelids and they seemed flair up on every other day %26amp; get so itchy and scaly? I am just wondering if these particular problems are part of the diabetes symptoms?|||Dear "possible diabetic",

Your symptoms point to diabetes. The hallmark symptoms (the triad: increased urination, increased thirst, increased hunger) are most likely due to diabetes, however, without proper diagnosis it is impossible to say that is definitely what you have. It is imperative that you make an appointment with ANY doctor or primary care provider to further assess your situation.

If it is in fact diabetes, and you are not keeping tight glycemic control, it is likely you will develop other complications. This may be the reason for why you are experiencing dry skin and skin rashes. Below I've included a link to a site that lists the many skin infections and rashes that are commonly experienced by diabetics. If diabetes is left untreated it can lead to more serious complications such as vision problems/blindness, cardiac complications, and circulation deficits (particularly to your limbs, which may lead to a necessary amputation.)

Good luck with everything.

Stay healthy.

Kari, RN|||yes you seem to have some of the diabetetic symptoms. my husband, and several of my family members have diabetes. Yes it do work on your kidneys, heart, will give you dry skin. you should go to the doctor he will give you a blood test to see if it is diabetes. don't be afraid if you have it it can be controlled with meds. and diet. the main thing is to find out if you have it so you can get treated. I hope this answer helps. I believe everything will work out good for you.Just continue to trust God.|||You do seem to have some diabetic symptoms. Measure your waist line, if it is over 30 inches, you may want to get a doctor straight away. If diabetes runs in your family, it could increase the risk of you getting it. The best thing is to look up on the internet the exact symptoms of diabetes (they usually tell you how you can tell if you have diabetes) and if any of them occur to you, then consult your doctor ASAP.Good luck and i hope for the best!! xxx|||get urself checked, (blood drawn), because those are symptomes of 1. diabetes, and 2. lukemia. GOOD LUCK COMRADE|||All of the above can be symptoms and complications of diabetes. Styes and skin problems are very common with diabetes.

Get a fasting glucose tolerance test done, and also an HbA1c. Then you will know for sure one way or the other.

In the meantime, drink 7 to 8 glasses of plain water a day, because its your bodies way of getting rid of excess sugar when you are diabetic. Drinking too much water can cause an electrolyte imbalance, leading to heart arrythmias, so do NOT overdo it.

Avoid all sugar, fruit and starchy foods such as bread, potatoes, rice and pasta, until you know for sure you are not diabetic.

If you turn out to actually be diabetic, at least you will have cut down the excess carbs until you can get insulin or other treatment.

Ever heard of the South Beach diet? It might be a good place to start.

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